What can I say about a day like yesterday?
It was at the very least extraordinary - at the most, a shift in the very spirit of the world! We are indeed in a new era.
It's not just that an African-American was elected President - though that is wildly amazing on it's own. But it's as if America believes in "America" again. We can hold our heads up in the world arena and say,"This is who we are".
Very heady stuff.
I was surprised at how emotional I was. I was a teary mess for awhile there. As happy and excited as I am for the accomplishments of the present and the hope for the future - I am equally overwhelmed by the victory that this is for that great crowd of witnesses that fought and died for liberty, equality and justice .
I thought of my grandparents who were so amazed that I had white friends; I know that they never thought that this day would come. So many of the older people in our world have seen and lived through things that I never really had to see.
What vindication this must be for them.
I know that in the history of the world, this is bright and shiny time. Darkness threatens at all levels,the era is winding down to the inevitable conclusion. We have this one bright victory, this one window of light. Let's hope that we make the most of it. Let's hope that we all pick up our candles, stand shoulder to shoulder and hold off the darkness for as long as we can.


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